WHY SHOULD YOU START HERE? GALE DATABASES ARE A STUDENT FAVORITE. Students find it great for finding academic resources, and they also say it's very user-friendly. Our school provides the Gale Databases listed below.
WHAT'S IN EACH OF THESE DATABASES? Hover over each individual database to see what topics it covers.
REMINDER: PASSWORDS & USERNAMES are typically required for all databases (see Password Remind & Help box to the far right).
WHAT CAN I FIND IN THE SALEM DATABASES? Salem Press provides unlimited online access for any print resource/references that have been purchases by our Library in the areas of health, history, literature and science.
REMINDER: PASSWORDS & USERNAMES are typically required for all databases (see Password Remind & Help box to the far right).
WHAT CAN I FIND IN THE INFOHIO DATABASES? INFOhio is a free statewide network that provides equitable access to quality resources on a variety of topics.
MAIN INFOHIO PAGE: Look at the icons below to see what each featured database covers. If you want to see all databases offerings by INFOhio, click here to go their main page.
REMINDER: PASSWORDS & USERNAMES are typically required for all databases (see Password Remind & Help box to the far right).
You will sometimes need Usernames/Passwords for Padua's DATABASES, especially off-campus. I cannot publicly share that info on LibGuides, so you can find the info for Passwords/Usernames in MyPad:
MyPad > Groups > Padua Library > Quicklinks > Database Passwords
USERNAMES & PW's: You will most likely need Usernames/Passwords for Padua's subscription DATABASES when accessing them outside of Padua. See info in the PASSWORDS REMINDER & HELP box on this page for further assistance.
SAVING INFO FROM DATABASES: WARNING!!! DATABASES are NOT like websites, so copying & pasting a URL will NOT get you back to the article!!! To save Database articles correctly, you must SAVE DIRECTLY TO YOUR GOOGLE DRIVE.
RECOMMENDATIONS & WHERE TO START IN DATABASES: Refer to the Home page of each LibGuides for starting suggestions.
If you are having trouble understanding or finding Primary Sources, you may want to check out the "SOURCES: Primary vs. Secondary" box on this page. You may also want to check out the "NEWS: Current Events & News" on this page to explore newspaper articles.
Padua's Library provides our students with FREE access to databases that are evaluated for authority, accuracy, and currency. Databases are intended for academic research, and their information is reliable, so teachers will recommend and approve of them. You can access them from school or outside of school.
Bonus!! Databases provide MLA citation info for your Works Referenced / Works Cited page.