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This LibGuide is intended to provide students with resources to identify speech topics, to conquer their fear of public speaking, to locate quality information as research for their topics, and more!! (Info may be helpful for essay writing as well.)





Mrs. Frech-ommendations

  1. First, look look over and get familiar with the tabs on this LibGuide (see above).
  2. If you haven't already selected your final topic, check out the "IDEAS: Speech Topics" tab.
  3. Come up with search terms/phrases related to your topic to assist with the search. See "SEARCHING: Keyword & Searching Tips" tab for help.
  4. Though teachers will discourage Googling for academic and guaranteed reliable information (many teachers/professors will not even permit Google type searches) at least be sure to DO A BETTER GOOGLE SEARCH. See the "SEARCHING: Keyword & Searching Tips" tab for assistance on how to do a better Google Search.
  5. When looking for resources for your speech, you may want to first try the "PADUA LIBRARY: Destiny Library Catalog" tab to search for a print or e-resources. You might luck out. The Padua Library has quite a few resources for speech topics.
  6. If your topic leans in an argumentative/persuasive direction (opinion/debatable/persuasive-type topic), then you will definitely want to check out the "VIEWPOINTS: Opinion, Debate & Persuasive Sites" tab first, especially Gale: "Opposing Viewpoints in Context" database ...and then... INFOhio: "Points of View Reference Center" ...and then... Website: "ProCon" (and then others).
  7. If you have no luck there, try the databases. Databases will give you academic information that is evaluated, current, and accurate, so teachers will encourage these sites. Follow the information on the Databases tab above and explore both the GALE DATABASES AND/OR INFOHIO DATABASES.
  8. If you want current or archived articles your topic or polls and surveys, then check out the "NEWS: Current Events & News" tab.
  9.  If you're still on a search, there are other tabs for specific resources, and remember, if you're having no luck, the Public Library Resources are phenomenal...but you need to have a library card (which you should have!!!!!). Check out the "PUBLIC LIBRARY: Cuyahoga & Medina & Cleveland" tab. 
  10. If you're panicking about actually giving your speech, be sure to check out the "Conquering Your Fears" tab.
  11. If you need more help, always feel free to stop up to see me (Mrs. Frech).

Good luck!!! 







ACCESSING LIBGUIDES: You can access all available LibGuides, Padua Databases, and the Padua Library Catalog both at school and from any place where you have internet access. The LibGuides link and all other required information can be found in MyPad > Groups > Padua Library > Quick Links > LibGuides.

LOOKING FOR A PARTICULAR LIBGUIDE? Remember, if you are looking for a particular LibGuide, go into LibGuides and look under the class SUBJECT. 

DATABASE USERNAME & PW REMINDER: Most Padua Databases require PW info, especially if you are off school premises. This access info is private; therefore, it cannot be posted on this site, so you can find this info in MyPad > Groups > Padua Library > Quick Links > Database Usernames & Passwords