Use this LibGuide to guide your psychological Holden research for The Catcher in the Rye. It is suggested that you follow the path of tabs created for you on this LibGuide.
Literary analysis is not a summary of a literary work; rather, it is an argument about the work that expresses a writer's personal perspective, an interpretation, a judgment, or a critical evaluation of a particular literary work. This "argument" demonstrates one's own critical thinking skills, for the argument is one's own opinion strengthened through textual support and evidence through the use of direct passages and quotations from the literary work itself.
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Did you know that The Catcher in the Rye makes the list of the top 10 censored books? It caused quite an uproar in its time, and it still has some schools and libraries banning it from its shelves. You can check out many articles online, but here are just a few articles exploring this book's censored history (along with some other Banned Book info). Be proud of your freedom to read!!
Most Banned and Challenged Classics