Use the tabs across the top of this LibGuide. If you are using this page for the Nonfiction Independent Reading Project, I would suggest first exploring the "Nonfiction Truths" & "Recommendations & Selections" tabs. Once you have some ideas and direction, then move onto the "Padua Library" tab, being sure to check out the "Destiny Discover > Nonfiction Collection" for close to 100 recommended books in your Padua Library. You can also search the Padua Library directly for a specific title. Have fun exploring...and pick something you'll enjoy!!!
Remember: I'm here to help, so if you can't find a particular title that are seeking, please gmail me or stop by and we'll see if we can locate it elsewhere.
Keep in mind that while I strive to be sure all sites that I use on LibGuides are unblocked for student users, some may still give our filter issues because they are deemed social media sites (like Goodreads). So if anything isn't working the way it should be. Please drop me a gmail (, and I'll get on it as soon as I can.