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This guide is provided by the Padua Library to assist with Digital Learning needs and to offer calming and welcome distractions to pass the time.


Message from Mrs. Frech Regarding This LibGuide

Hello Bruins,

Just a calming message to let you know that your Padua Librarian is doing her research, and as strange as this feels, this will all be okay!!!! In the meantime, I am still working to help you through this time in any way possible. You are all familiar with LibGuides, so feel free to navigate this LibGuide page and explore the following:

Please know that this page will be continually edited and updated. If you feel that you need additional or specific resources to assist with your work at home, please feel free to reach out to me via gmail, because whether in-person or digitally, NEVER ALONE...ALWAYS A BRUIN!!!! 

Stay safe & healthy...and realize that this will pass.    

Your Padua Librarian,

Mrs. Frech



Message Sent Via Gmail to Students on March 13, 2020


I hope this email finds you and your family in good health and spirits. The news of school closures in the state of Ohio was sudden, but we are prepared and ready to tackle the next couple of weeks. We have formulated a plan that we feel as a faculty will benefit all of our students. Teachers were prepped on Friday and are working hard to prepare digital learning environments for all of their classes.

It is of the utmost importance that you read the following list of guidelines that need to be followed during the school closure:

1.   Check your email and MyPad between the hours of 8:00-3:00 p.m. Please check in with each subject daily! Email (gmail) will be the main communication piece between you and your teacher. Teachers will report to Mrs. Oles Smith and Mr. DiRocco if they do not receive completed assignments.

2.   In regards to checking your email, please let Mrs. Oles Smith and Mr. DiRocco know if you do not hear from your teachers. We will reach out to them if needed.

3.   Counselors will be available via email if you need to reach out to them (for any reason).

4.   Assignments and assessments will be given daily. It is our expectation that when students receive an assignment, they will have until 8:00 a.m. the next school day to finish the assignment. For example-if you receive an assignment on Monday, it will be due Tuesday by 8:00 a.m.

5.   For classes that meet every day, there will be a minimum of three grades (per class) collected each week.

6.   There will be a “No Homework Fridays” policy and also no additional daily homework/projects will be assigned for Spring Break.

7.   If there are any IT related questions (issues with your Chromebook or gmail accounts), please contact Mr. Orr at

8.   Teachers will be available for contact from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. each day. Please keep in mind teachers will be receiving a mass amount of emails daily, so give them a sufficient amount of time to respond.

9.   No tests will be given within the first few days of our return to school (in an effort to minimize stress).

10. The Health Department has advised against congregating in any way, shape or form. This includes:

a.   Going to the mall

b.   Going to the movies

c.   Meeting other students for lunch

d.   Meeting at school-please know students are not permitted on school campus during this period-no exception will be made.

Really, any kind of social gathering should be avoided.   

11. If you become sick (to the point where you cannot complete your school work) please have your parent/s or guardian/s contact Mrs. Oles Smith or Mr. DiRocco.

12. If you or someone close to you becomes sick with COVID-19, or if you are exposed to COVID-19, please have your parent/s or guardian/s contact Mr. Stec or Br. Tom immediately.

13. If you travel out of state at any point during this period, please have your parent/s or guardian/s contact Mr. Stec or Br. Tom immediately.


This schedule starts Monday, March 16th. Your parents will also receive this email (in an effort to keep everyone on the same page).

Please be flexible and patient. Please do not drag your feet. Your school work needs to be completed in a timely manner. This is a new atmosphere for all of us, but one where we know our Bruin Community will be successful.

Be safe.

Be healthy.

Wash your hands…and DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE.

Padua Franciscan High School Administration,

Mr. Stec

Br. Tom Carroll

Mr. DiRocoo

Mrs. Oles Smith 

Padua Franciscan High School Library

Profile Photo
Mrs. A. Frech
6740 State Road
Parma, OH 44134
440-845-2444 x142