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*** HELP FOR EVERYONE *** (Databases, HW & Research Help, Tutorials, Padua Library Catalog, Just for Fun Sites, and More...): HOME

This LibGuide provides links to the following: Chromebook tips, researching tips, databases provided by the Padua Franciscan Library, HW Help, tutorials, dictionaries, the DESTINY Library catalog, and more! Use the orange tabs below to navigate








How Does This Work? Where Should I Start? You are most likely on this page because you are searching for info or because you need HW assistance. LibGuides are here to help, and they can be accessed at home or school...via any computer or mobile device. 

Locate the tab on this LibGuide that offers you the help you are seeking.  Is it Homework Help you are after? Do you need databases in order to locate academic research information for a project? Do you need to see if the Padua Library has a book you need? Are you just looking for something good to read? No matter what the reason, this LibGuide will have some help to offer everyone (fac/staff as well as students)!!! Locate the resources you need by clicking on the brown tabs at the very top of each LibGuide page. Each tab will offer you assistance on the selected topic(s) as well as advice & tips.

Having issues or problems? Keep in mind that LibGuides are often being edited and/or updated to reflect current and updated information. If you are having issues with any links or pages, please contact Mrs. Frech (the Librarian) via email...or visit me on the 3rd floor. I'm always here to help!!








ACCESSING LIBGUIDES: You can access all available LibGuides, Padua Databases, and the Padua Library Catalog both at school and from any place where you have internet access. The LibGuides link and all other required information can be found in MyPad > Groups > Padua Library > Quick Links > LibGuides.

LOOKING FOR A PARTICULAR LIBGUIDE? Remember, if you are looking for a particular LibGuide, go into LibGuides and look under the class SUBJECT. 

DATABASE USERNAME & PW REMINDER: Most Padua Databases require PW info, especially if you are off school premises. This access info is private; therefore, it cannot be posted on this site, so you can find this info in MyPad > Groups > Padua Library > Quick Links > Database Usernames & Passwords