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This LibGuide is intended to assist students with basic/beginner research skills in the completion of Ms. Williamson's Holiday Activity.


USERNAMES & PW's: You will most likely need Usernames/Passwords for Padua's subscription DATABASES when accessing them outside of Padua. See info in the PASSWORDS REMINDER & HELP box on this page for further assistance.

SAVING INFO FROM DATABASES:  WARNING!!! DATABASES are NOT like websites, so copying & pasting a URL will NOT get you back to the article!!! To save Database articles correctly, you must SAVE DIRECTLY TO YOUR GOOGLE DRIVE.

RECOMMENDATIONS & WHERE TO START IN DATABASES: Refer to the Home page of each LibGuides for starting suggestions.


Padua's Library provides our students with FREE access to databases that are evaluated for authority, accuracy, and currency.  Databases are intended for academic research, and their information is reliable, so teachers will recommend and approve of them. You can access them from school or outside of school. 

Bonus!! Databases provide MLA citation info for your Works Referenced / Works Cited page.


While doing academic research, students should not go to Google for quality information (in fact, your teacher may not even permit Google at all), but if you have no other option because of the nature of the topic...and if your teacher permits it, be sure you know how to do a BETTER GOOGLE SEARCH by doing the following:

To attempt a better and more (academically) effective Google search, try your best to use .edu (education), org (organization), and .gov (government) sites, since they have verified information, unlike most .com (commercial...for profit) sites.


To do a .org, .edu. .gov search, type your search term in Google along with .org .edu .gov (see the example in the image below).


Remember: Be an intelligent and discerning researcher. Any time you are on a website, do your best to be sure it is a legitimate source by putting it through the CRAP test. 

1-C (Meaning is it current...and is there a publishing date?) 2-R (Meaning Is it relevant...and does it really fit the need of your research?) 3-A (Meaning is there an verifiable author? If it does not have an author/company name that you can verify, then you should not include it in academic research.) 4-P (Meaning is the purpose of the information educational? In other words, is the info truly intended to inform, or did this author/company have a clear bias or is it a sales pitch?)


GALE DATABASES (also CENGAGE & NCEMC) ***A Padua Student Favorite***

The GALE Discovering Collection is preferred by many Padua students for research in regard to being both academic and user-friendly. The site provides quick access to accurate and authoritative information on a broad range of subjects...and it also provides features such as downloading to GoogleDrive, citation, translation, etc. (REMINDER: Passwords and/or Usernames are needed for home use. See MyPad > Groups > Library for link to usernames & passwords.)


INFOhio is a statewide school library and information network that supports and enriches teaching and learning by providing equitable access to quality resources on a variety of curricular topics for Ohio's students, educators and parents.  (REMINDER: Passwords and/or Usernames are needed for home use. See MyPad > Groups > Library for link to usernames & passwords.)

TROUBLESHOOTING:  Once you select the database you want, you must click OPEN to go into it. If you are having difficulty accessing any of the INFOhiosites below, use one of the following links to go to the INFOhio main site, and then scroll to find the specific database you are seeking.

INFOhio: Grades 9-12 Student Resources