NOT SURE WHERE TO START? You can dive right in and use your own researching skills to start exploring on your can try these suggestions for where to start for this particular assignment.
1) Mr. Larson's Resources: Mr. Larson provides specified resources for this project. Depending on the year, he will either keep them in his own classroom or in the Padua Library. Check with Mr. Larson for more info.
2) Print Resources: There are a number of Library print resources (books) available for this project. Mr. Larson will either request these for his classroom or he will request that they be kept in the Library. Check with Mr. Larson for more info.
3) Databases & Websites: For academic resources, it is always advisable to check out available databases. Keep in mind that many teachers will require databases over general websites, because databases are paid subscription sites that contain academic information that has been peer reviewed and evaluated for authority, accuracy, and currency (check with Mr. Larson for his requirements). For most Shakespeare topics, I would suggest the following (refer to your LibGuide for Database links):