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SOCIAL STUDIES & CURRENT EVENTS: Social Studies - Academic Websites

This LibGuide is designed for use by Social Studies classes seeking historical and/or current events information.

General & Essential Social Studies Sites

Below you will find links to quality and/or highly recommended academic websites for Social Studies & Current Events.  (Please report any broken or missing links to the Librarian.  Thank you!)

Congress Sites

Below you will find links to quality and/or highly recommended academic websites for Social Studies & Current Events.  (Please report any broken or missing links to the Librarian.  Thank you!)

Constitution & Presidents & U.S. Government Sites

Below you will find links to quality and/or highly recommended academic websites for Social Studies & Current Events.  (Please report any broken or missing links to the Librarian.  Thank you!)

Current Events

For Current Events information, use the "Newspapers & Current Events" tab as well as other tabs located above...or...go to the separate Current Events LibGuide that was created for the Current Events course (see link below).

Psychology & Sociology Sites

Research Engines and Digital Libraries

When searching websites in general, most people use comment search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.  As stated above, these search engines may bring you millions of hits.  As suggested, databases are more reliable way to go; however, there are also many specialized search engines that may help you narrow down the search.  Using specialized search engines will assist you in selecting more trustworthy sources.  Included below are some links to the most popular of those sources (Source:  Writing Term Papers by Joe Greek).  (HINT: For descriptions of each site, hover over the site's title/address.)

Supreme Court & Law Sites

Below you will find links to quality and/or highly recommended academic websites for Social Studies & Current Events.  (Please report any broken or missing links to the Librarian.  Thank you!)

American History

Be sure to refer to General & Essential Social Studies Websites above.

World History

Be sure to refer to General & Essential Social Studies Websites above.

Political Information

Be sure to refer to General & Essential Social Studies Websites above.