When you are searching for a Pop Culture type topic, you can either search archived newspapers (see tab for News above) or try doing a BETTER Google search.
**To do a better google search, strive to use quality search terms (cold case, murder, trials, news reports) etc. along with your main search term. Perhaps add what you're specifically seeks, such as the following: Sam Sheppard newspaper articles. Also attempt to pull .org .edu .gov sources first (see below). Avoid wikis or sites that look questionable (no author, so website name, odd website address, no date, etc.).
**Here's how to search for .org .edu .gov sources. Type in your main term (or any additional terms you'd like) and simply add .org .edu .gov to the search line. You can see that some good sources come up, although wikis should be avoided. Podcasts may be particularly helpful in murder mystery topics due to their popularity right now. If you are lucky, they may provide a typed transcript. It just requires some investigative research on your part, so give it a try.
When you Google, think of optional terms you can use, such as the following:
Marilyn OR Sam Sheppard Case + newspapers
Marilyn Sheppard + 1954
Marilyn OR Sam Sheppard Case + primary sources