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INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: HOME: Searching Tips & Recommended Sites

This guide is to assist students researching industrialization, the Industrial Revolution, etc.



The Industrial Revolution marked a period of development in the latter half of the 18th century that transformed largely rural, agrarian societies in Europe and America into industrialized, urban ones. Click here to find out more. 


  1. Try the 'LINKS TO EXPLORE' listed below.
  2. Explore the quality subscription databases on the DATABASES tab above (I would recommend starting with STUDENT RESOURCES IN CONTEXT).
  3. See if any print resources are available in the Padua Library.
  4. If they apply, check out the subject-specific specific WEBSITES tab above.
  5. If you cannot find what you need on any of these, and you need to venture into GOOGLE world, at least do a quality search by being specific in your search window: Industrial Revolution + U.S. + .org .edu .gov (DISCLAIMER: while Google often contains good resources, it also contains questionable resources, so be aware that you need to evaluate sources for quality (see the SEARCHING tab above for specifics). At the very least, be sure you evaluate the author (company or individual), the date of the information, and its relevancy to your assignment.  
  6. If you ever need help in how to do a better search in a general search engine like Google, you can always explore other searching tips on the SEARCHING tab above, which is a tab included on every LibGuide.